Sometimes my cultural gag reflex is an angry one, one that leaves me heaving and a little teary . Sometimes my cultural gag reflex is a frustrated one, leaving me saying either too many words , not enough words , or incompletely thought out words. But mostly my cultural gag reflex is a bored one ; because as a woman the items offered for my cultural intake can be very boring indeed. I would like to present a short survey of my thoughts as I watch a standard film or theatre offering that does not meet or barely meets the minimum of the Bechdel Test . The Bechdel Test asks if there is two named female characters in the script that talk to each other for a minute about something other than men. Examples of scripts that fail the Bechdel Test fill our cinemas, our stages and other areas of our popular culture * , and that means I am bored an awful lot, alas. The first thing that happens with the standard non-Bechdel compliant script is that when I meet the first female character I want