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Showing posts from October, 2017


Just a reminder that I wrote my History Thesis on Science Fiction and Fantasy, so I am a bit of a fan of the genre ... Your fantasy novel name is your name, but with the letters in alphabetical order. Hi, I'm Aeln. — Lena 🌑 (@DeaExLena) August 7, 2017 Hi, I’m Aeln.   As the column broke out of the forest cover, they found the ranks of the cavalry under General Aceilr Adeeeilmn waiting patiently on the plain. Ace rested her hands on her pommel and smiled down at the Captain, 'what fun we're going to have today, now you've finally arrived.' #Aadm Kkooosstuu sends his highest honours to General Ace. Claire: General Ace thanks the pre-eminent Aadm of the Kkooosstuu for both the honours from the groves and that crate of particularly lethal warrior bees, used to great effect in the last campaign. #Aadm Kkooosstuu: Our bees are always at your service, General. Claire: You are a scholar and a gentleman. #Achilno Claire: Achilno was the most famous bard in all the l