Plaything: Fondant
Main Ingredient: Fingers
Reason: Truffles
Last weekend Ariel and I planned to make six to eight different flavours of truffles - chocolate was stockpiled, alcohol obtained and imaginative combinations planned. Ariel has made truffles in her sleep and together we are no slouches in the kitchen. But that Saturday we destroyed everything we tried to cook - cheesecakes separated and curdled, ganaches separated or refused to set, cupcakes exploded and then collapsed, caramel ran, chocolate spread and frustration turned to hilarity as nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING went right.
So we threw sugar covered hands in the air, excessive amounts of dishes in the sink, uncooperative ingredients in the freezer and put on high heels to drink away our sorrows up and down Beaufort Street. Once out of the kitchen, things were brilliant.
This weekend we have done everything possible to appease the Kitchen Gods who so spectacularly deserted us last weekend. Sacrifices and prayers have been directed to hearths, lintels and doorsteps; salt thrown, tea leaves swirled and knives positioned. Those truffles need to work, wasting that much chocolate is just not an option.